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Tyler Schlumper, 14 (15 this month!), of Mansfield, has been training at Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy in Foxboro for the past 3 years. Tyler came to Elite as an avid baseball player with the hope of becoming stronger and faster. After years of training at Elite, Tyler has noticed significant improvements in his game. He is hitting with more power and he led his team in stolen bases last season. Motivated by these gains, he continues to strive for more and is currently working hard to increase his pitching velocity.

Tyler is a member of the golf team at Mansfield High School and hopes to earn a roster spot on the baseball team this spring. He also plays for his club team, the GBG Hawks. Tyler is a talented pitcher, earning MVP honors in several tournaments. He also has thrown complete games on several occasions, helping to lead his team to championships. Despite his success, he’s also faced his share of challenges but has always worked hard to overcome them. 

Tyler hopes to play baseball through high school with the long-term goal of playing at the collegiate level. In the past, he’s drawn inspiration from athletes like Mookie Betts, a talented outfielder when playing for the Red Sox. More recently, he’s been inspired by and looks up to his dad, who gives his good advice related to golf and baseball which Tyler feels has helped his progress. His dad also gave him the best piece of advice he’s heard, which is to “be kind to other people because you never know when that person will appear next in your life.” We are lucky to have such a kind (and talented!) athlete as part of our Elite community. And it’s great to see all of his hard work and dedication to his training paying off – check out Tyler’s latest testing scores below!

Tyler is thankful for everything playing baseball has contributed to his life, including a fun environment for that has allowed him to meet many good friends. When asked what defines a “true athlete,” Tyler describes someone who “does everything that they can do to support and help their team.” As for his advice to younger athletes, he recommends being consistent with your training schedule and never skipping workouts (we agree with him!) since that only sets you back. He also advises younger athletes to always work hard to keep getting better. When asked about training at Elite, he tells us that Elite “is always a fun place to go and train” with good coaches who are always there to help answer any questions.

We’re excited to announce Tyler Schlumper as our Elite Athlete of the Month for March, 2025!  With his strong work ethic, commitment to his training, and kind and positive attitude, we know he has all the tools for great success in the future, both on and off the field. Keep getting after it and making us proud!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. Our Spring Sports Performance in ON SALE NOW and runs from March 24 – June 14 and includes programs for athletes ages 8-22. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE!